Swim Team 18th May 2015 Written Update:
Rewa,,kanika,,Deepsi takes a selfie…Rewa sends the pic to Umang…Umang says well done…TK comes in the party..Umang tells she is very glad to see..Umang tells she has a solid news for TK,,Umang tells that Jugnu is ready for training his team with Swim team…Umang reads Sana’s message on TK’s phone and gets happy..Umang tells TK to enjoy the party..Umang tells TK to eat..TK tells no..Umang takes TK..Rewa sees and tells TK is in Umang party.Rewa text Jai and tells to come…Bhagat comes and offer’s drink to Rewa…Bhagat tells sorry..
Bhagat tells he is really sorry..Bhagat tells friends again???Rewa tells yes…Bhagat tells he like about Rewa that she can do anything for Dreams..Rewa tells Bhagat is also like this…Rewa tells she will not talk about family and dreams..Rewa tells seriously she will not ask about dreams…Bhagat tells one time will when Bhagat will tells all to Rewa,,,Bhagat tells lets see…Bhagat and Rewa looks at each other..Bhagat asks where is JAi???Rewa tells Jai is upset…Bhagat asks If everything is solved???Rewa tells yes…Bhagat tells that Rewa is good..Bhagat tells he wanted to tell something to Rewa..Rewa and Bhagat looks at each other…Pixy comes with drinks,,Bhagat and Rewa drinks….PIxy tells lets party…Bhagat sees Deepum,,Pixy dancing…Pixy and Deepum dances….ON Song “SATURDAY SATURDAY”….Bhagat sees and get shocked…
.Bhagat tells Rewa to forget Jai and date Deepum As chemistry is very nice…Umang asks TK why is he sad?????Umang tells she will bring a old album So that they should see the old memorie’s…TK sees Sana’s picture and gets upset….Bhagat sees Rewa dancing…A boy goes and dance with Rewa…BHagat gets angry…Bhagat goes and dances with Rewa…Bhagat pushes Rewa…Music goes on…Bhagat sees Rewa and smiles…Bhagat tells he wanted to tell Something to Rewa…Rewa tells she cant hear…Bhagat tells loudly that Rewa looks cute while dancing and when she smiles looks more cute..Rewa tells lier…Bhagat tells no…Bhagat tells Rewa has big big eyes…Bhagat gets close to Rewa and tries to Kiss…Rewa tells she have to go…Bhagat tells no…Rewa goes…While Bhagat sees…Rewa asks Umang where was she???Rewa asks where is TK???Umang tells she dont know….Rewa thinks about Jai…
Precap::TK tells that from tommorrow Jai will train them..
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Swim Team 18th May 2015 Written Update. Swim Team 18 May 2015 Written Episode. Swim Team 18th May 2015 Written Synopsis. Swim Team May 18 2015. Swim Team 18 May 2015 Serial Written. Swim Team 18 May 2015 Written Reviews. Swim Team 18th May 2015 Written Story.