Chakravarti Ashoka Smart 19th May 2015 Written Update:
Scene 1
Dharma is in market, all are praising Sushim, Dharma thinks AShok must have broken down after this loss in competition, i have to find him. she comes in school and ask Subaho about AShok, Subhao says i lost saw AShok with sword and he was going towards finish line but then sushim was announced winner, Sushim must have cheated. Dharma comes to soldier and ask about Ashok? Soldier says the one who lost in competition? Dharma says no the one who fought with valor, who was firm and who didnt cheat in competition, soldier says all are in court of palace, you go there, maybe you will find him there, Dharma leaves.


Chakravarti Ashoka Smart 19th May 2015 Written Update
in court, Prime minister says to Bindu that Sushim have proved he is great warrior and no one can come closer to him so he must be announced as heir, Siamak thinks how to tell them that Sushim cheated, he cant be great warrior, nobody will believe me, Dharma comes there too. Bindu ask Chanakya his thoughts, Chanakya says dont know, Bindu says its not time to think, he has proved himself, its time to take decision, i son to Chandraupt announce Sushim as my heir, all are stunned, some happy and some sad, Bindu says i hope he will make Magdh more strong, he says tomorrow is good day, we will officially make Sushim heir tomorrow, for now session ends.. Ashok comes and says wait a minute, all looks on, Ashok says before you finish the session,


i wanna tell you something related to this competition, Sushim gets tensed, Bindu says i know it, Ashok and all are surprised, AShok says you know? Bindu says real friend is one who understand friend’s thought without informing, its true that you have won the competition in other sense, withiut any training and all, you entered the competition, you won for me that day only and then you came to last part of competition, you won but on 2nd position, Ashok says i could have come 1st, Bindu says i told you its not important to who win or who lose, important is that how we learn and how we set example and in that case you are upper than Sushim, there is no doubt that Sushim won but it is surprising that you came till last line, you should be proud that you won over other students and you are 2nd because Sushim is 1st, he is coming 1st from two years, he is great warrior, nobody can come near him, he is heir of Magdh, see win in your lose too, Ashok is sad, Sushim smirks, Ashok recalls how Sushim said that nobody will believe him.
Bindu says Sushim have set record, in future student will have to break Sushim’s record to be called great warrior and this is proud thing for father, he have made his grandfather, his teachers proud, tomorrow Sushim will be officially called heir and i will reward you for your great performance, he says thats all for today, he leaves, Ashok is hurt.

Scene 2
Ashok is sadly leaving palace, Dharma is running behind him, she tries to stop him but finds Khurasan coming so hides, Khurasan leaves, she comes out and finds Ashok gone, Drupat comes to her and says come with me, Dharma keep looking for Ashok.


Bindu ask Vrahmir to say truth which is sensible, Vrahmir says if truth was so straight then it could be told easily but it not, i cant disrespect truth by telling it half so i dont say truth, Chanakya ask to say straight, Vrahmir says one should not be straight in life, i have learned alot from you, Chanakya says the one who doesnt have intelligence, cannot learn anything from books too, he is like blind person, he ask soldiers to take him, they take him, Chanakya says keep him in prison, time will come when he will be frustrated then he will answer everything.
Dharma comes in Mandir and says to Lord that how can you ignore everything, my son didnt do anything but he is being punished, he is so hurt that he didnt even meet me, i just want to tell him that i am not disappointed with him, he has wone for me, show him way, she leaves. Ashok thinks how to meet mother when i have disappointed her, i cant look in her eyes, he comes to same Mandir and says to lord that mother said nothing wrong happens with right person, Chanakya comes there too, Ashok says that i was close to win, i had sword with me and was going toward finish line when i saw Sushim in danger, i left my sword to help him, i saved his life from tiger as mother wanted me to become like that, he cheated me, took my sword and passed finish line, you are witness to everything then how can you make Sushim heir? my mother was against it but she blessed and i couldnt respect her blessing, i couldnt become warrior so she could hug me with pride, i am liable to punishment and right punishment will be that i should stay away from my mother, Chanakya gets sad for him listening all this.


PRECAP- Sushim sit on throne, Bindu is about to make him wear crown but Chanakya comes there, Bindu says you came on right time, Chanakya says i came to just tell you that you have another son too who deserve to be your heir, Bindu looks on.
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Chakravarti Ashoka Smart 19th May 2015 Written Update. Chakravarti Ashoka Smart 19th May 2015 Written Story. Chakravarti Ashoka Smart 19 May 2015 Written Episode. Chakravarti Ashoka Smart 19 May 2015 Written Reviews. Chakravarti Ashoka Smart 19th May 2015 Written Synopsis. Chakravarti Ashoka Smart May 19 2015. Chakravarti Ashoka Smart 19 May 2015 Serial Written.